


今天我们学习《机械制图》——机件的常用表达方法第二部分的内容。今天的主要内容是剖视图。Today we study"Mechanical Drawing" - the second part of the common methods of expression of machine parts. Today's main content is the sectional view.









I. The concept and basic drawing method of section view

1. The sectional view is mainly used to express the internal structure shape of the machine part. When the view of the machine needs to express the internal structure of the shape of the thin dotted line too much, or even thin dotted line and thin dotted line, thin dotted line and thick solid line overlap, affecting the clear reading and marking dimensions, often expressed in section view. In order to clearly express the internal shape of the machine part, suppose the object is cut open with a section, the part between the observer and the section will be removed, and the rest of the projection to the projection surface of the resulting figure, called the section view, can be referred to as the section view.

2. Steps of drawing a sectional view.

(1) determine the location of the section surface

(2) Draw the section view

(3) Draw section symbols or section lines

(4) Draw section symbols, section lines and label the name of the section view













II. Classification of sectional views

According to the different cases of the range of the cut surface cut objects, the sectional view is divided into full sectional view, half sectional view and partial sectional view.

1. Full sectional view: the sectional view obtained by completely dissecting the object with a sectional plane is called full sectional view.

Note: For the ribs, spokes and thin walls of machine parts, such as longitudinal section, these structures are usually drawn without sectioning, i.e. without drawing the section symbols, but using thick solid lines to separate it from the neighboring parts.

2. Semi-sectional view: When the object has a plane of symmetry, the figure projected on the projection plane perpendicular to the plane of symmetry can be bounded by the center of symmetry, half of which is drawn as a section view, and the other half is drawn as a view, this view is called a semi-sectional view.

Note: In the semi-sectional view, half of the profile view and half of the section view of the dividing line should be drawn as a thin dotted line, can not draw a thick solid line. Due to the symmetry of the drawing line, the internal shape of the part has been clearly expressed in the half section view, so in the expression of the external shape of the half view, the fine dotted line should be omitted not to draw. However, if some internal shape of the machine part is not clearly expressed in the half section view, then in the half view expressing the external shape, should be drawn with a thin dotted line.

3. Partial section view: the section view obtained by partially dissecting the object with a section plane is called partial section view.

Note: When the section position of a single section plane is obvious, you can omit the labeling of the partial section view. The local section view is divided by wavy lines, and the wavy lines should not overlap with other lines on the drawing; when the structure to be cut is a rotary body, the axis of the structure is allowed to be used as the dividing line between the local section view and the view.









III. Classification of cutting surface and cutting method

Generally use plane cutting machine, also can use column surface cutting machine

Single section.

1. Cut with a plane parallel to a basic projection plane

2. Cut by column surface: when using column surface to cut the machine, the section view should be drawn according to the expansion.

3. Cut with a section plane not parallel to any basic projection plane: cut with a section plane not parallel to any basic projection plane, customarily called oblique section

When the oblique section view is used, it is configured in the position corresponding to the section symbol according to the projection relationship; the section view can also be panned to the appropriate position of the drawing; when it does not cause misunderstanding, it is also allowed to rotate the drawing line, but the name of the rotated drawing should be after"x-x" (also in front) plus the symbol of the direction of rotation.



上一篇: 女销售原来靠这样卖房(楼盘置业顾问提成大概多少)
下一篇: 机械制图基础零件图尺寸(机械制图零件尺寸图)