7月15日,国家发展和改革委等13部门联合印发了《关于支持新业态新模式健康发展 激活消费市场带动扩大就业的意见》,提出支持数字经济15种新业态新模式的一系列政策措施。
Nineteen measures have been identified for the development of new business models such as online education, livestreaming, e-commerce and individual business running via WeChat, according to the guideline.意见提出19项举措支持在线教育、直播、电子商务以及微商等新型商业模式发展。
新出台的举措重点支持15种新业态新模式——在线教育(online education)、互联网医疗(online health services)、线上办公(telecommuting)、数字化治理(digital governance)、产业平台化发展、传统企业数字化转型(digital transformation of traditional enterprises)、“虚拟”产业园和产业集群(virtual industrial parks and clusters)、“无人经济”(humanless economy)、培育新个体经济支持自主就业(self-employment)、发展微经济鼓励“副业创新”(innovation of side businesses)、探索多点执业、共享生活、共享生产、生产资料共享及数据要素流通。
The rapid growth of digital technology has created several new business models despite the novel coronavirus outbreak and played a key role in the prevention and control of the epidemic, apart from boosting the slowing economy and stabilizing employment.抗击新冠肺炎疫情中,我国数字经济快速发展,带动大量新业态新模式快速涌现,在助力疫情防控、带动经济复苏、支撑稳定就业等方面发挥了不可替代的作用。
According to the guideline, costs will be further lowered for individuals to start businesses online to offer diversified job opportunities.意见提出,进一步降低个体经营者线上创业就业成本,提供多样化的就业机会。
Efforts will be stepped up in promoting the micro economy and encouraging the innovation of side businesses, the guideline said.大力发展微经济,鼓励“副业创新”。
The guideline highlighted endeavors to promote employment based on diversified channels including social media, e-commerce, short-video and live-streaming platforms.着力激发各类主体通过社交媒体、电子商务、短视频以及直播等平台实现多渠道就业。
More efforts are needed in exploring social security policies that can be applied to flexible employment patterns involving multiple platforms and employers.探索适应跨平台、多雇主间灵活就业的权益保障、社会保障等政策。
物联网 internet of things
数字经济 digital economy
移动互联网 mobile internet
科技创新 science and technological innovation
新零售 new retail
数字化转型 digital transformation
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)