
举个简单的例子,为什么有时候我们说“ on the bus",有时候又说“ in the bus”?

为什么我们可以说" hit him in the face"又可以说“ hit him on the face”?

“ He cheat me”与“ He cheat on me两者之间有什么差别?



(1)It' s not easy to skate on one foot.单脚溜冰不是一件容易的事。(用脚来支撑身体)

(2) The man climbed down on a rope made of bed sheets.此人从被单做成的绳子上爬了下来。(用绳子支撑身体)

(3) He keeps erasing the messages on my machine.他不停地删除别人在我电话上的留言(信息以电话机为载体)。

(4) Do you have a pen on you?你带钢笔了吗?(身体是钢笔的载体)。


(1) Granddad lives on meat and potatoes.祖父以吃肉和土丘为生。(肉是身体的支撑)

(2) This new laptops works on two AA batteries.这台断笔记本电脑需要两节AA电池。(电池是笔记本的支撑)

(3) Thing got so bad we had to go on welfare.情况太糟了,我们不得不靠福利过生计。(福利是生活的支撑)

(4) Tax increased for workers on high salaries.高收入员工的个税提高了。(高收入是个税提高的支撑。)

(5) Dinner is on me tonight.今天的晚餐我请了。

(6)He' s on the swim team and the basketball team.他既是游泳队的队员也是篮球队的队员。

(7)It' s hard being on your own for the first time.第一次(不靠家庭)独立生活是有点难。

(8) On second thoughts, I will accept the offer.经再三考虑,我决定接受这个报价。

2. 一件事使用另一件事作为工具。(1) on the bus在公交车上(其实就是以公交车为交通工具的意思)

(2)He' s shouting on the intercom,他在对讲机里大喊大叫(也就是用对讲机)。

(3) He' s on the phone all day long,他一整天都在打电话(也就是在用电话)。

(4) You can' t put your cigarette out on a tree!你能不能在树上掐灭香烟(也就是用树做工具,想想是否可以用 against来代替on)

(5) I cut my hand on a piece of glass.我的手被一片玻璃给划破了(中式说法一般会是 my hand was cut by a piece of glass)

(6) Did you make these graphs on a computer?你是用电脑做的这些图表吗?(以电脑为工具)。

(7) I'm listening to the news on the radio.我在听广播里的新闻(通过收音机播送的新闻)。

8) I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on my whistle.我头撞在路沿上,哨子把我的嘴唇割破了(中式英语可能会变成 my head hit on the curb and my lip was cut by the whistle)

3. 表示动作、行为或事物所指向的对象。

(1)She' s cheating on me.她对我不忠。

(2) Shes picking on every detail.她对每一个细节都很挑剔。

(3) Were you planning on kissing me ever?你有想过吻我吗?


(1) Work on your interview skills.研习一下你的面试技巧吧

(2) I want to call my apartment and check on my grandma.我想打电话回公寓看看我祖母怎么样了。

(3) That is the part to focus on.这是我们应该集中注意力的。

(4) Stop hitting on her!I' s her wedding day!别再调戏她了!今天是她结婚的日子。

(5) Monica scores on me. Monica赢了我一分。

(6) I hope she throws up on you.但愿她吐到你身上。

(7) You can' just quit on me before we finish the job.你不能就这样退出了,我们还没完成这项工作呢

(8) Who are we spying on?我们在监视谁?

为了便于理解,我们可以把它分成两部分,一是动词所代表的行为本身,二是on之后的名词或词,代表行为所指的事物。 比如“check on my grandma”,第一个是check,意思是“check”。 这个词可以独立使用,但要解释什么是“检查”,就必须用on来引导,也就是on之后的“on”。 我的奶奶”


(1)Here's a knock on the door.有人敲门。

(2) Back in high school, I had a major crush on you.还在上高中的时候,我就对你爱慕有加。

(3) There's been some unusual activity on your account.你的帐户有些不正常。

4)I was just wondering, do you think theres a possibility that you could give me an advance on my tips?我只是在想,你是否觉得有可能把我的小贵先付给我?

(5) He made a move on me他对我采取了行动。

6) Easy on the door.轻点关门。

(7)Keep an eye留意看着宝宝

(8) You can save up to $100 on your ticket by booking early. k预订可以帮你省掉100块钱的买票钱。

(9) Then the vacuum went dead on me.然后这个吸尘器就死火了。

(10)Mom' s death has been hard on the family.妈妈的去世对家里打击很大。

(11) a tax on gasoline燃油税。

(12) a book on China一本介绍中国的书。

(13) Could you give some advice on what to wear?你觉得我穿什么衣服合适?

4. 表示某事正在发生或者正在发生的过程中。


(1) on sale在销售(在促销)

(2) on a roll连续交好运

(3) on fire着火了

(4) on rise在上涨

(5) on show在展示

(6) on a diet在节食


(1) He is on a coffee break.他在休息喝咖啡。

(2) What the hell do you do on a real date?你在一个正式约会上会怎么做?

(3) On my way over here, I stepped in gum.在来这儿的路上,我踩上了一块口香糖。

(4) I walked in on Joe and Susan kissing in their office.我步入Joe和 Susan的办公宣时,正好撞见两个人在接吻。



(1) He'll be with you in five minutes.再过五分钟他就会来见你。

(2) I'm gonna get there in time.我会及时赶到。

(3) He was hit in the face.他被打在脸上。

(4) I've never tasted alcohol in my life.我一辈子都没碰过酒。

(5) The truck headed in the direction of town.卡车朝着城镇的方向开了过去。


(1) She ripped the sheet of paper in two.她把纸一撕两半。(是两半而不是四半)

(2) Chandler downs his espresso in one gulp. Chandler一口喝干了espresso。(是一口而不是两口或三口)

(3) China has seen a strong growth in exports these years.近几年中国出口增长很快。(是指在出口领域)

(4) Put things in perspective.要正确地看问题。(是在客观范围之内)

(5) We'd like to get this in one take.我们想一次过(拍片)。

(6) Who am I gonna meet in a blackout?黑灯瞎火的,我和谁约会去?

(7) In fact,they' re not animal.事实上,它们并非动物(在事实范围之内)。

(8) In a way, Im a little surprised he accepted the offer.他接受了这个要约,让我稍感意外(从某个角度)。

(9)Chander & Nina are locked in a passionate embrace. Chandler和Nin激情相拥。

(10) He would not have any personal interest in the girl.他不会对这个女孩有什么想法。

2. 一件事是另一件事的一部分

(1) Wendy's in advertising. Wendy从事广告行业。

(2) She wants to be something in cooking.她想在烹饪业闯出点名堂来

(3)Do you know in a relationship you have these key moments that you know you'll remember for the rest of life?知道吗?一段感情里总有那么几个时刻你会终生难忘。

(4) We have absolutely nothing in common.我们没有任何共同点

(5) We've made a couple of changes in your schedule.我们把你的行程做了一些调整。

(6)She's everything I'd want in a wife.她具备我心目中理想妻子的一切。

(7) The old girl still has a lot of fight in her.这位老妇依然战斗力十足。


(1) I'm in a hurry.我有急事。

(2)You' re in a big trouble..你有大麻烦了

(3) Lily looked at me in shock.Liy看着我,很震惊。

(4) He shouted out in pain.他痛得大叫起来。

(5) Ross shouts and stares in disbelief.Ross叫起来,不相信地看着。

(6) I'm just checking to see if the muscle's in spasm.我只是在查看是否肌肉痉挛了。

(7) I found her in tears.我发现她在哭

(8) I shook my head in protest.我摇头表示抗议。

(9) He asked in surprise.他惊讶地问。

(10) She turmed away in disgust.她厌恶地转过身去。

(11)Chandler is in his sweats flinging playing cards into a pot.


(12)In reading the story, I felt nothing but victims.


4. 以某种方式。

(1) Roger spoke in a low whisper. Roger压低嗓音说话。(声音)

(2) His early comedies were filmed in black and white.他的早期喜剧是黑白片。(颜色)

(3) He made a bowl in the shape of heart.他做了个心形的碗。(形状)

(4) I had to speak to him in French.我不得不跟他说法语。(语言)

(5) Do not write in pen on this test.这次考试不要用钢笔了。(工具)

(6) She swings the pen around her head in a circle.她摆动钢笔,让它围着脑袋转圈。(轨迹)

(7) So then this plane didnt explode in a ball of fire?那么这架飞机爆炸时没有起火球?(形状)

上一篇: 女销售原来靠这样卖房(楼盘置业顾问提成大概多少)
下一篇: 美联储讨论加息,美联储再次激进加息有何影响